We take measures to minimise the sound and vibration from our locomotives and wagons along the Carmichael Rail Network.
While much of the rail corridor spans sparsely populated areas, we want to make sure locals bear as few potential impacts as possible. Our measures to reduce and mitigate noise are aimed at protecting the health and biodiversity of local ecosystems, and ensuring an environment that is conducive to human health with appropriate sound levels for people to sleep, study or learn, and relax.
We have a history of ensuring noise controls are effective and have not received a complaint relating to noise or vibration.
Our measures to reduce and mitigate noise are aimed at protecting the health and biodiversity of local ecosystems, and ensuring an environment that is conducive to human health with appropriate sound levels for people to sleep, study or learn, and relax.
The maximum volume at any time is 87db, similar to the whir of a blender, milling machine or garbage disposal unit.
Monitoring noise levels along the Carmichael Rail Network
Baseline monitoring before we constructed the railway revealed the areas we pass through have noise levels in keeping with their quiet rural settings.
With trains operating daily, our environmental team continues to monitor noise levels at several homesteads along the line.
If the monitoring finds an impact, we employ additional mitigation measures such as tree and shrub plantings and, potentially, noise barriers.
We also try to minimise noise through the regular servicing of vehicles and equipment and making sure alarms and warning devices are within operational health and safety limits.